There's always time for the good things....

As a general rule, applause is not accepted here. Today is the exception. I have a few items I'd like to share that bear a glimmer of hope:

1. The Supreme Court gave it's opinion on the Second Amendment for the first time ever last week. And guess what? The Second Amendment is an inherent INDIVIDUAL right not to be infringed! That's right hippies- Quit your 'yappin already.

2. Las Vegas Nevada is the home to the world's largest strip club. The Sapphire is a 71,000 square foot gentleman's club with VIP SKYBOXES, 3 separate lounges, and in addition to skinny strippers.....VOLUPTUOUS ONES TOO!!!

3. The Big Red Machine finally got something done. And no, I don't mean the 'Duty. I mean the club on Capitol Hill. Oil prices are subject to supply and demand, but they are also subject to speculators who have lost control. Congress' research shows that gas prices are inflated by 30-50% above margin. What are they going to do about it? They are putting a growth ceiling on speculation making it unattractive to invest in. What happens then? Prices plummet. How much? Who knows? 20%, 30%, 50%. Wait and see folks. It only gets better from here. Not to mention it is now attractive to harvest the giant Canadian Shield's Tar sands. (Remember what I said months ago? Oil prices are going to go down.....give it time.) Now's the time.

4. Americans need a reason to do anything. We're lazy by nature.

Then- The levels of lead in our atmosphere were astronomically high in the 70s due to "leaded gasoline". We realized this was unacceptable. We made "unleaded gasoline", stopped dumping lead waste, removed lead from sport fishing and shooting, and now the levels of lead are lower than they have ever been since records began.

Now- Gas prices are ridiculous. Pollution is worse. The public transportation lines across America are at full capacity. Everyone is carpooling. More people are walking or biking. Scooters run rampant across city streets. Demand is falling for oil. And prices are too.


Time Flies

It has been a month since my last post. In that time I have been to Lansing, Michigan where automobile factories are being leveled one after another leaving thousands of Michiganders unemployed and scrap piles as high as a city skyline. I have been to Hartford, Connecticut where they are closing Home Depot stores a year after they were built...and they are refusing to lend a hand to a dying man in the street after a hit and run. Now there is a 400,000 square foot structure with a 3,000,000 square foot parking lot where forest used to be...and a society that has lost its most basic human responsibility because all that is left is its most basic human instinct - survival. There are babies having babies on the city streets. I have been to Las Vegas, Nevada where home prices have dropped 28.6% since last year!!! I have been to Saranac Lake, New York where everyone is convincing themselves that all is fine. And before that I have been to Alaska, where everyone knows it's not fine.

My point is this: We're about to lose this beautiful place we call America if all of us don't start to make some different choices. No more muscle cars, no more American beer, no more backwoods serenity, no more American Dreams. You may say I'm turning left. I'd rather say I'm heading forward and I urge you all to follow instead of veering left or right. The longer we are selfish, the more we complain, and longer we wait for or Obama or Capitol Hill inevitably diminishes the time until America goes on fire sale.

I've got a few suggestions for you here and I'd love to hear yours' back:

Robert Kennedy Jr. talks with CEO O'Reilly of Chevron:

Green Motor Oil from Connecticut. That's right, it's made from beef fat...and it don't smoke so now your S-Dimer just classed up (Ragged Chevy S-10 for those of you who couldn't translate):

"If every household in America changed one incandescent bulb to a compact fluorescent, it would be the same as taking 800,000 cars off of American roads."

At first I said you have got to be kidding me. And then I said, who better to take on the world's largest problems than two of the richest men of the world. Maybe something as large as AIDS in Africa has met it's match. And maybe you think so too: