Chill out when you're in my hood

I have commented on this wavelength before but no one seemed to listen. In the past week I have had to lock up my brakes on a main road.....TWICE. First it was on Pine St.(don't ask why) two blocks from my place where a dude cut me off from a side street, and then stopped in the middle of the road. I ended up with my bumper two feet away from his face....literally. Why do people think it's gonna be all better if they just slam on the brakes and close their eyes. Come on man, get the fuck outta my hood. Then it was St. Paul St. where the dude looked me in the eye, hesitated, looked at me again and THEN decided that it was time to cut me off. Did I mention both were white plates? Keep in mind these streets don't have stop signs and are designed to MOVE traffic. My advice to you pal, "You are one lucky fucking dude. Say a prayer tonight and thank God that I wasn't in my truck. You would have died."

The real reason for this post: There is a speed data station on the main road leading into my hood. If you missed it, its called HOME Ave. The speed limit is 30MPH. Keep it at 25 and you will keep me happy too. If I have 5-0's chillin on my ave cause you can't keep it in your pants I am gonna be one very UNhappy dude. I ain't pretty when I'm pissed. So please take heed- Keep your white plates on the DL and chill out when you're in my hood. I don't like NY'ers speedin around like a-holes, and I sure as hell don't like the NH folk actin like they have yet to leave their state. God forbid you disguise your Bay-State-ness under a green plate and try to act the part. You have to pay attention while you drive to act the part doood. So chill out, get yourself a fugghin Sammy, park your car and ENJOY SUMMERTIME.


Still Keeping It Real

Hey Donald - "Ya gotta bullet in ya head"

Did you read this: http://socialdistortions.blogspot.com/2008/05/judge-jury-and-executioner-too.html

Rutland, Vermont - June 19, 2009

A man on death row for kidnapping and killing a Rutland woman has lost a second appeal.

Last year, a three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the death sentence of 29-year-old Donald Fell. His lawyers asked for a broader review. On Wednesday, a nine-judge panel upheld the first panel's ruling. The decision leaves the U.S. Supreme Court as Fell's only option to appeal his sentence.

Fell was convicted in 2005 for kidnapping and killing 53-year-old Terry King of North Clarendon. He's the first person sentenced to death in Vermont in over 50 years.