Your Mom is Hot

That's right, your mom - Big Momma Earth - is hot as hell. Call it what you will; global warming, the apocalypse, natural climate change - It doesn't matter. The glaciers are melting, we're having beach days in March, and she's still lookin fine as always.

Turn off that crappy Comcast, get off the couch, and go outside. Take a walk, a ride on your person-powered bike, a swim if you dare....Just get out there and make sure she knows that you still very much find her sexy as all hell - No rekindling necessary here.

I'm taking tomorrow off and getting my "intimate" on with her all weekend long - No artificial amenities, no food, no 4x4's. This lady needs to know she is loved - Raw Love.


Happy Holidaze

There's a little hippie in all of us - so go out there and celebrate!