Am I going soft?

Pat Leahy gave his 2 cents to big oil this afternoon. Why do I care? Because they have taken capitalism too damn far. Oil is a commodity that is necessary to our existence whether you like it or not. Who's brilliant idea was to start trading oil on the stock market and to have "share owners" create its value and pricing. You have got to be kidding me. Profits are scorching hot....$35+ billion in the first quarter alone. That's profits, not revenue. 35 billion dollars could feed the fucking world.

Big Oil makes a school girl attempt at defending themselves and Grampa Leahy tells it like it is.


What Goes Around, Comes Around

Ted Kennedy has a Brain Tumor. Whooptey fuckin doo. Does anyone recall that he essentially murdered a girl back in 1969? Look it up - Chappaquiddick incident. He drove his car into a pond. He was drunk. There was blood on her skirt. He left the scene only to let her die. He didn't tell anyone about it until a day later. A judge ruled foul play. The prosecutor chose not to charge him. And then he ran for the presidency. Are you kidding me? Massachusetts let this fucker get away with murder. How many Irish murderer's will Massachusetts look the other way for?

The Kennedy family has gone through so much tragedy. What the fuck do they expect? They are Roman Catholic Irish Renegades. Hey John Kerry, hey Barack Obama, hey all you fuckers in a Cape Cod Classic Blue Blazer- Let the man die for what he has done and keep your bogus sentiments in the closet.

This is really good stuff...especially if you have nothing to do at work today: http://www.ytedk.com/


Judge, Jury, and Executioner too

Brian Rooney. Does that name ring a bell? It should. He stands trial this week for the murder of Michelle Gardner-Quinn almost two years ago; the most publicised murder in Vermont's history. Why was it the most publicised? Because she was a student at UVM. UVM is the only thing in Vermont that someone from outside of Vermont would recognize and be able to relate to besides the state itself. What makes her more special than the old man who was bludgeoned to death in the little town of Benson three years ago, the grandmother who was kidnapped and then savagely murdered 8 years ago in Rutland for no good reason, or the kid who had his life taken for the sum of $40 merely months ago. My point? Big names sell, and the media is a whore. What the fuck is the difference between some 21 year old UVM student and someone's 51 year old grandmother? There isn't one and I don't care to hear your empty sympathy and compassion.

He wants a new lawyer. He wants to represent himself. He wants the dismissal of statements he made admitting his guilt and sorrow. Now this fucker gets to stand a "fair" trial in Rutland Vermont, 65 miles away from the crime. Sounds real fair to me. I've got an idea Vermont. Stop being such a fucking hippy and reinstate the death penalty. What's fair is fair kids. An eye for an eye. Stand in someone else's shoes other than your cute little flats for a minute and I can't see how you wouldn't agree. If you're willing to take someone's life you should be man enough to give your own up as an even trade. If not, you're simply a coward. There seems to be a lot of pussy fucking cowards going around killing people these days. I've got an even better idea. Since the law of the land is taking its sweet ass time with "due process" and the right to a fair and speedy trial, cut to the chase and put a bullet in his head. This bullshit has got to stop.



Fat America

This one's quick. I hate really fat people. If you have a nice American beer gut....all the power to ya. If you've got a little extra cushion for the pushin'....who cares. If you're a fat fucking slob who has to buy a first class airfare ticket because you can't fit in a regular seat, get a fucking life. Stop eating 17 times a day, flipping 700 channels, and scratching your rolls. Go for a walk and don't stop at Micky D's. You make my food more expensive by creating scarcity. And that pisses me off because I have to watch your fat ass eat it all the time. You stink, you smell, I have no compassion for you whatsoever.