Months ago I said oil prices would go down and no one believed me....


...and now prices are down from $150/barrel to $90/barrel and still falling. Speculators have been jumping ship partly due to the big boys'(college educated 'professional' adults destroying Bear Stearns, AIG, Fanny and Freddie and AMERICA) highly diversified piles of shit(securities?) completely falling apart and going under....and partly due to falling demand. Most people won't burn gas that costs $4+.

[That's a whole other story not even worth complaining about. Just take note that the people who have vowed to create a better economy and a better place to live have put America on fire sale. There has been a giant RENT TO OWN sign on the Whitehouse lawn for some time now and now it's simply FOR SALE. Did you know that Arabs from Dubai own the Chrysler Building?]

My real point is this: Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 6604 "The Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act," legislation that will close some of the loopholes speculators have relied upon and bring a measure of transparency to commodities trading. In July a majority of the Members of the House of Representatives voted for this bill, but due to a procedural quirk, it did not pass. The House of Representatives will now consider the bill under a procedure that requires a simple majority. Tell your Congressmen exactly how you feel.


The Least Qualified Candidate in 100 Years

We now have two choices for a leader of our nation and it's looking like another 50/50. I am not suggesting that one is better than the other, I am suggesting that one is completely unqualified.

John McCain has changed his mind 50 times during this election race and so has Barack Obama. Campaigning, as a general rule, is a flat out joke. Candidates change their mind and what they have to say every time public opinion demands in order to stay on top. This is nothing new. They give speeches comprised of nothing ever heard before and little girls all over the nation cry because of how "touching" it was.

The difference between these two candidates is black and white, as ironic as that may be. Barack Obama has absolutely no record to speak of what-so-ever....good or bad. No matter how many times John McCain has changed his mind this campaign "season"(quoted from Barack Obama), he clearly has a long and clear bipartisan record. He, as far as I can see, is the definition of a public servant. He works for his nation and it's people always come first.

I strongly suggest that you read this book: "The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media". If you don't want to go to the library or the bookstore I will let you borrow it myself. This book takes a completely different approach than the general slander that is running rampant. It does not focus hyperbolic web ads, alleged race cards, or viral smears. Instead it blasts Obama for failing to take on the Chicago machine, for listening to "radical advisers" rather than his voters, and for backing "doctrinaire liberal" causes from teachers unions to abortion rights.

Below is a fantastic prelude/summary of what the author has to say from the point of view of a Cuban defector: "After reading the book I realized it is the kind of writing that people either ferociously agree with its message or hate the author for undermining someone whose qualifications make him worthy of being elected president of the most powerful nation on Earth. I am not going to agree with either side. All I wish to express as a former Cuban exile, is that Barack Obama and Fidel Castro share many personality traits, ie: Both were abandoned by their fathers at an early age. Both are charming, eloquent lawyers that say exactly what people want to hear at the right time and place. One never led the nation to suspect he was a communist at heart, the other doesn't mention the word socialism when in reality this is exactly what his agenda stands for. Neither Obama nor Fidel ever held a real job either in government or in private enterprise for they think of themselves as demigods unworthy of soiling their hands when their destiny is much larger than their own realities. Both were virtually unknown until they began to use the word "change" as their main political motto. Both have egos as tall as the twin towers, yet they manage to present themselves humbly, one in soiled military fatigues and the other sweating and with an undone tie. Both have the unique ability to distort truth and lies as if they were the same. Both have the ability to hypnotize the ignorant and fool the wishful thinker and to divide a nation in classes, (divide and you shall win) In Fidel's case he divided the rich against the poor, the illiterate against the educated and the black against the white. In Obama's case even if by omission, he's de-facto dividing the races already. Another resemblance between Obama and Fidel and one that shall never be forgotten is that the American media supported the "Twentieth Century Latin American Liberator" (Time Magazine) with the same degree of irresponsibility devoted to Barack Obama today. And lastly I'll use the words of Jorge Santayana to finish my case in point: "Those who can't remember the past are condemned to repeat it." And in the words of Sir Winston Churchill: "The inherent vice of Capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings, the inherent vice of Socialism is the equal distribution of misery. GOD SAVE AMERICA! Signed: Andrew J. Rodriguez, Author of "Adios, Havana," a memoir."