Months ago I said oil prices would go down and no one believed me....


...and now prices are down from $150/barrel to $90/barrel and still falling. Speculators have been jumping ship partly due to the big boys'(college educated 'professional' adults destroying Bear Stearns, AIG, Fanny and Freddie and AMERICA) highly diversified piles of shit(securities?) completely falling apart and going under....and partly due to falling demand. Most people won't burn gas that costs $4+.

[That's a whole other story not even worth complaining about. Just take note that the people who have vowed to create a better economy and a better place to live have put America on fire sale. There has been a giant RENT TO OWN sign on the Whitehouse lawn for some time now and now it's simply FOR SALE. Did you know that Arabs from Dubai own the Chrysler Building?]

My real point is this: Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 6604 "The Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act," legislation that will close some of the loopholes speculators have relied upon and bring a measure of transparency to commodities trading. In July a majority of the Members of the House of Representatives voted for this bill, but due to a procedural quirk, it did not pass. The House of Representatives will now consider the bill under a procedure that requires a simple majority. Tell your Congressmen exactly how you feel.

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