Your girlfriend won't want you to read this

Sure you 'listen' to what she has to say....but do you really process any of it? Read up boys:


Faith High

It is that time of year again where little children are happy because they don't know any better. It troubles my mother when I tell her that I hate Christmas, but she understands why. I often ponder how I am going to pass this along to younger generations some day....

Separation of Church and State is all the rage these days right? I'm not passing judgement on that one but I do have years of one side instilled in my soul that I sometimes cannot seem to beat away. It is pretty clear that when a little structure (i.e. football and church) gets together, only good can come out of it. I sure as hell know that it kept me on the straight and narrow...and that straight and narrow is 500 miles wide. Thank God I was limited to only those 500 miles. If all you hustlers and bustlers thought a little more on this wavelength, then this time of year probably wouldn't suck so much - http://sports.espn.go.com/espnmag/story?section=magazine&id=3789373


Cow Tax?

"Farmers across the country may soon be getting a big tax bill.

The Environmental Protection Agency is considering a cow tax in an effort to combat methane emissions from cows. Under the proposal, a farmer would have to pay $175 per dairy cow and $87 per beef cow a year.

Many Congressmen on Capitol Hill are against the idea. They feel the cow tax will force many farmers out of business. " - WCAX-TV

Are you fucking kidding me? First they have the brilliant idea of using corn for ethanol fuel which requires more energy to be produced than it actually provides. Basically they are paying farmers to melt and remint coins. Farmers produce ethanol qrade corn because it is more lucrative thus driving up the cost of other vegetables because of low supply and high demand. Meat(cows) eat corn too so now meat is more expensive.....oh, and did I mention it made gas expensive too. And the best part? The only way to transport it is by DIESEL truck. That sure is environmentally friendly!

Now they want to tax farmers for each cow they own. Maybe they should just pick up all the farmers and put them in China to rake the rice paddies. Get real you idiots. Taxing cows will eliminate the feasibility of farming in America for real this time. And it's just plain stupid.


The Gang's All Here!

Green Beer. Celtic Punk. Girls with little clothing in cold ass weather. Guitarists hanging from steel rafters by their legs while rocking(yes, that is exactly what that picture is of). More girls, this time dancing on stage with even less clothing on. Southie Irish folk who love to say "Fuuuugh You!".....And did I mention green beer and kick ass rock.

That's right. It's getting to be that time of year again. Time to sign up for St. Paddy's Day 2008 with the Dropkick Murphy's in Boston. I've taken shots of Bush Mills at 10AM, spent time chatting with the Maxim Model/weekend bartender behind the bar(it's a shame her face was the same color as my hunting safety-wear), shared plenty of sweat in the Mosh pits with fellow friend and fan, and taken the local Boston bar tour with someone I had never met before. If WMD can do it, you can too!

You won't be disappointed. Let's make it a weekend. March 14th and 15th. If you are interested or would like to hear more from the horse's mouth, get at me: Stoyankovich@gmail.com DECEMBER 13th is the day the tickets are ordered. Don't be left out!!!