Eye Candy......errr Cameras

I am driving along last night, minding my own business when I see this gay ass car(SUV) driving past me. It is a NESN vehicle fucking plastered in NESN and Redsox logos flying be me on Eye-Atey-Nyne with an even gayer ass Mass plate on it. And I think to myself, "I would really love an eye-camera right now....you know, a camera that uses my eyes as a lens." Pretty reasonable I think. How many times have you seen some cool ass shit, or stupid fucking shit in this instance; and not had a camera, or had a slow ass (dare I say 35mm) camera, or a camera buried deep in your Jumpman shorts which you are wearing under your soggy snow pants, or a camera that has to "focus" and "compensate" for the low light conditions in your dorm room while your buddies are trying to capture that sweet ass rodeo ass in digital time and post it on the Internet for all eternity? [Did you catch all that?] I mean would you not rather have every angle of those precious 8 seconds from each of your buddies' perfect 20/20 lenses(eyes)? Fuck yes.

"Whatever you post to your "profile" on the Internet is there to stay. You can't take it down, you can't erase it, you can't try to explain it to your mom or boss." And that's exactly why rodeos were invented in the first place son. GTFM!

Fuck that shit. I want to say click and what I see is what I take. Literally. I don't want a picture of this stupid fucking car, but I sure as hell have some gay ass friends who appreciate it.

Here's to eye-cameras. Make that shit already little china-men!

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