Puerco has claimed 16 lives in the Northeast. Will you be next?

LIVE MUSIC- 1035 Williams Rd.

April 4th - 9PM

RSVP with # attending and certified drug test results attached. Persons failing drug test will not be admitted per venue regulations.


BS- Also Synonymous for Boycotts and Strikes

[Professional], and I use the word cautiously, athletes strike again. Yesterday afternoon, the Boston Red Sox decided it would be an appropriate team decision to boycott their pre-season game being hosted by the Blue Jays. Way to start things off classy. Why? They had apparently found out at that moment, while on the field during warm ups, that the coaching staff was not going to get the same amount of compensation for their opener in Japan. How conveniently timed was that? According to Mike Lowell it seemed all too staged, "We felt we had to make a stand, and being on ESPN didn't hurt." Terry Francona, had this to offer, "It wasn't about players being greedy, it was about standing up for someone." What kind of coach offers support in such a situation? One who is also greedy. Each Boston Red Sock will receive $40,000 to make the trip to Japan. I make that much in a year, and they'll be receiving that to GO TO JAPAN AND [PLAY] BASEBALL. The unfortunate fact that these players are the role models of American youth makes it that much worse, but I didn't have to tell you that. That fact is a very sad idea in itself, but we'll leave that for another day. 3 hours later after quite a fucking stunt, they decided they would play the game. Sometimes I wish the days of owner dictators were still around.

Get this. Across the country in Phoenix, Oakland Athletics players were watching the Boston game(I'm pretty sure it was warm ups so I don't know why the hell they'd be watching it) and saw what happened. They didn't take batting practice and held five team meetings before FOLLOWING Boston's LEAD and deciding to play. How gracious of them!

The average person would assume that after having a preseason that was overshadowed by Steroids(let's stop using the PC word 'performance enhancing drugs') the players might be interested in changing the focus of things. Apparently not. Thank you Roger Clemens, thank you Barry Bonds, and thank you Boston and Oakland for diluting America's pass time once again, and making it a fucking joke.

"We're so united. And I don't mean just the players," Francona said in a dugout interview with ESPN during Wednesday's game. "I mean the staff, the trainers and our players showed that and that's what this was about. It wasn't about being greedy. It was about trying to be unified." What he failed to mention was that he had 'Dice-K', who was scheduled to make that start, leave the stadium to pitch in a game against Minnesota's Triple-A affiliate while David Aardsma started in his place.

End Result: Both teams have coaches that are $40,000 richer and another preseason loss.


The Dow Skyrockets! Who Cares!

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index rose 420 points yesterday, the most in 5 years! The Fed's interest rate cut helped calm investors and secure market stability once again! Thank God! It rose 416 points last Tuesday as well. Did the derelict media tell you that? No, they assumed you were too dumb to actually recall last week. Did I mention the DJIA doesn't track the market at all. It tracks the top 30 American behemoths. Does that sound like an accurate market index to you?

Someone had to take advantage of the situation right? Why not? Try Visa. They completed the largest IPO in American history yesterday by raising $17.9 billion. Why did this happen? Because Master Card stock has been killing it; up over 350% since their very own IPO in 2006. And why wouldn't it be? Plastic is a man's best friend, a or lady's for that matter. The same people who screw you on interest rates, fees, and credit limits every day proved how powerful they actually are. You just got screwed again. And you liked it. You purchased your very own debt, and quite possibly the debt of your fellow consumers. Watch it bomb ladies and gents. Today is going to be another volatile day in the market. Too bad Wall Street doesn't open until 9:30. Lazy bastards. Oh I forgot, their communter train(or more than likely personal M class) takes 2 hours to come in from Long Island, or Jersey City for that matter.

16:00- BOOM: Day Closes with DJIA losing 293 points.


What You're Not Told About The Financial Crisis

This guy, Perry Willis does what I think is a nice explanation of what is really happening. Now I could also go into detail as to why it is happening like this, but that might be for a conspiracy article. I urge all to read this, understand it, and watch the USA get screwed anally. The Federal Reserve though in a sense, is buying up our land... Ignorance may be bliss, but it certainly fucks you over in the end.


Attention Steel Owners: The 2nd Ammendment is under Supreme Court interpretation for the first time in nearly 70 years!

Keeping on the topic of scary. This one is up there. Today the Supreme Court began hearings regarding the recent ruling of a Federal Court to overturn the total ban on handguns in Washington D.C. that has been in effect for 31 years.

The 2nd Ammendment reads as follows:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

Our forefathers really left us with a good one here ladies. Let the games begin...
Two options:
#1- Every man, woman, and child has a right to bear arms for their own personal protection.
#2- The right to bear arms is strictly reserved for a militia in times of crisis.

My take on this issue should be more than obvious. I fully support an individual's right to bear arms utterly and completely. I do believe that background checks should be done for all firearm purchases, and that concealed handgun permits should have an entirely separate process. I believe that the average individual who is clinically sane and has not commited relevant crimes(shoplifting in highschool doesn't count) should be able to carry protection with them in all appropriate places. I support the fact that there are places that are not appropriate for gun use, but that does not includes a person's most common places of occupation. I do not support the free distribution of guns.

America has a history of guns. And that history has been passed down for generations apon generations. Fathers take their sons hunting. Grandfathers take their grandsons Trap Shooting. A child's, more specifically a male's developmental process is tightly linked to some of life's major lessons learned at a young age. These lessons and more can be aquired by spending a weekend in the woods, learning the sanctity of life, the means that are necessary to provide human sustenance, spending a unique time with a role model, and much much more. Simply firing a gun is an experience that you will not understand and appreciate until having done so. Taking an animal's life for a purpose lets a youngster feel how important life actually is. If this youngster never spends another day in the woods, and ends up in an unfortunate situation as an adult, they will have the value of life deeply instilled in them before they are ever tempted to use a gun in a destructive manner. Some may argue that our most relevant history regarding guns is the tragedies that they have caused. I will offer this: It is not the guns that have caused these tragedies, but the people who distribute them illegally and the people who use the ill-intentioned. Again, I support full regulation of gun distribution.

Guns can also help prevent many of the tragedies that they cause. There is a multitude research and evidence that supports the fact that if more people were allowed to protect themselves and others with handguns, that many of the tragedies we have recently seen could have been quickly and easily prevented. Some of you may argue that the right to carry a concealed handgun in a responsible manner is still uncessary and that I should provide you the evidence. I urge you to research on your own, and you will find proof. Some of you will undoubtedly offer complete resistance and I offer absolutely no condolences. It has become disturbingly obvious that we as humans really have no idea what that person next to each of us every day is actually thinking/capable of doing. And mind you, if there was a total ban on guns, that crazy fuck sitting across from you is sure as hell not going to walk in to the local police station and turn in his 'hot piece', nor is his distributor. You're the one who is screwed in the end, and I am not willing to take that risk. If you so much as suggest that I might have slightly mis-stepped, I assure you, and offer you a decent amount of my time that will be guaranteed to leave you with no other opinion.


The Dreaded Fed

Emotion. Fears. Confusion. Unknown. The professional investors of America have recently proved that our economy is not unsusceptable to real disruption by undermining the basic principles of investing. The people who are supposed to keep the markets stable by investing for the long term and staying calm when novice investors' emotions cause fluctuations in markets, have failed miserably. Or have they? Even they can not accurately predict what will actually happen. No one can, and they admit to it. They admittedly contradict themselves. The monster is unleashed, and 'The Man' is forcing everyone, including professionals, to cut their losses and call it a day....even if it means utter destruction. This is scary stuff, really scary. W's head is so deep in the sand he can't even hear our calls' for help. And the Fed, the beast who was created to keep the markets stable and to prevent large recessions, is seeming increasingly politically pressured to save the short term and is unable to do what is right...Its job.


I hate your t!tty bar...

When I go to a strip joint, I don't want to be hassled every two seconds by some whore who is trying pay off her pimp and feed her two year old child's crack addiction. I go for a f*cking show and beer. I want to see some damn pole tricks. " Booby Night" was invented to be entertaining and not to be a pain in the ass telling all these dumb broads that you are broke and you can't afford to have them sit on your lap and tempt your drunk ass to go in the back room so you might have a chance to touch their bad boob job for $50 bucks. F YOU.

Let's face it, unless you are going to canada or the rocket in barre, where else can you be obscene and make these chicks rub cheap ass lotion on each other for $2. Maxi Mounds does it right. She should run lessons at all of those "High Class" joints in Vegas and NYC. They could take a lesson. If there isn't a pole, don't show.

I want Nasty Chicks, Big Tits, and Cheap Tricks. Thank you Montreal/Barre/any other scummy strip joint that you can always have a good time and a good laugh at.