More $, More Bullshit.

The market has been calmed by the media and the fed to a point where it is stable for the short term. The dollar is still worthless, inflation continues, and new homes are purchased every day...that's a gamble my dumb ass wouldn't even take. Detroit's sales slumped double digits for the first quarter and so did Toyota's, but H2's keep poppin up at the Jones'. And consumer spending is constantly on the downturn none-the-less. Nothing's good, but nothing's all that bad either....at least to the average reality TV junkie. Stay inside, close the curtains, and eat your damn popcorn. Nothing's actually happening outside. It's all just a bad trip.

You ask yourself, "Where's this article going? What's his point?" And I answer, "Absolutely nowhere." I just wanted to point out how dumb we actually all are.

The other reason, and main reason that I wrote this article is to bitch about all the rich fuckers in this country. Did you know that A-Rod is making $28M this year? Did you also know that the entire Marlins' starting roster is making $21.8M combined? Did you know that Bill Gates donates all his profits now because he can't find anything useful to do with them. He's plowed enough back into the Giant that it's completely self sufficient and his prostitutes are all prepaid through 2080. Warren Buffet donated 85% of his net worth(Thirty seven billion fucking dollars) to charity. He gave his kids nothing. They didn't earn it, and they don't need it! What are all the other mega rich celebs doing with their dough? Paying child support that exceeds $250,000 a year? More than likely. How bout T.O.? And how 'bout Britney. I heard she makes $650,000 a week. And now she runs around like a lunatic and makes even more money. Too bad if I were to run around like a crazy person they would jail me and take all my money

If all the rich fuckers in this world donated 10% of their wealth each year, we wouldn't have white trash. We wouldn't have the ghetto. And we sure as hell wouldn't have a shitty dollar. And don't get me wrong. As soon as I get rich, I'll buy every million dollar toy I can get my hands on and lay down every bet I think I have a 5% chance of winning. But after the garage is full, every coast has my address on it somewhere, the kids are set to be trust fund punks, and I've finally settled down with my last hooker you can bet my money's going out the door to better places.

To all the reality TV celebs who went out in the 80's but are back again, the T.O.'s, the Kobe's, the Prince Nair's of Abu Dabi; and most importantly the big men of Detroit, of Wall Street, and of Silicon Valley - Here's a big fuck you.

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