Attendance is for grade schoolers...

I will try and keep this short and sweet since so many ignorants out there have been wooed by the vaguest description ever of the simple word CHANGE. I have even found myself siding with Barack Obama on issues I actually differ in opinion on exactly 180 degrees. This dude has skills to make every walk of life believe he is the ONE for them! Impressive I must admit. He is one wicked smart fella. And I mean that.

Two points in an God honest attempt to change your ignorant minds:

1. Barack Obama votes 'present' more consistently than anyone in history. A vote of present is a vote of the opposition for all intents and purposes. Not to mention he is also the most liberal presidential candidate in over 100 years! More liberal than Teddy fuckin K! I did not think that was possible. Ted Kennedy gets away with murder so maybe Obama can too. If that is what you call independence and a plan for CHANGE you sure had me fooled. Change normally comes in the form of bucking the party line. The only thing he is bucking here is your intelligence. Get real. Attendance only counts in kindergarten.

2. Abortion. I am not touching this one. But he sure isn't afraid to. Run to Canada ladies. This dude is crazy. KEY WORDS: Voted AGAINST BANNING partial birth abortions. There are hospitals in Chicago that still to this day practice something that even I can not find a single drop of morality in. Premature babies, who have the complete potential to survive if placed in an incubator, are left to die in janitor's closets. I am pretty sure that is called murder. Not where Obama rules. It is called aborting a live fetus by neglect and it is legal! A breathing fetus disconnected from the mother's body is a person. God please don't try and tell me different.

I almost kept my mouth shut until some stupid ignorant fucking "brother" said to us today, "If Obama don't win, I'm gunna go buy a gun and start shootin white people.....not you, ur our beer guy." Fuck man. Are all of you that serious? Because guess what? I've got guns, and if dudes start rioting in my back yard I will use them. Call me "red" call me "simple", but I AM that serious.

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