Friendship, Love, and Loyalty

My boy Ken Casey has done it. He has created a charity, powered by his wildly successful band, to benefit the people, values, and problems I hold closest and dearest to my heart. This charity is something different. This one looks to help from the inside out - something that is far too often overlooked and even lesser understood.

This is, without-a-doubt, near the very top of my list of coolest things ever accomplished. Ken and DKM look directly in the eye of those who they steadfastly support and love, and who are all-to-often the most vulnerable: Children, Veterans & their families, and those suffering from alcohol and drug addictions. They say to them, "We appreciate you. We are going to help. We understand. We will be here for the long haul. We are not going anywhere. We will get though this."


Judge, Jury, and Executioner Too

Every dog has his day. John Bruno's last day is coming soon enough. Pain filled within, as terribly sad as it is, this one will end with an eye for an eye. The old law rules here. Let the court go through due diligence and justice, let the voices be heard, and pray it does not end before the final verdict is read.

Jury draw begins December 2nd. We will see you there.


Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

Thank your Veterans for letting us live in such a cool place without a worry. Thank them by exercising the freedoms they have enabled you with. I will say thank you this weekend by heading off into the woods with my 2nd Ammendment, my closest friends, my Red White & Blue, and the acute awareness that there is only one place in the world that I can do this. This is America, and this is Awesome. Thank each and every one of you again.


See you later bud.

Rutland Herald (VT)

Rutland Herald (VT)

November 10, 2007

Real story about friend now gone

I lost my friend of many years last week, and instead of printing the factual circumstances of his murder, what the Herald released was not only offensive, but was primarily propaganda. The front page of our newspaper on Nov. 2 read, "Bloody day in Vermont." There are windy days, rainy days, or even tragic days, but not "bloody" days here in Vermont. I opened the paper that morning and instead of finding news, I found a tasteless photograph of my friend. It hurt me. I didn't want to see that. This is not a television show, nor the city streets where, however despicable, such graphic displays have become commonplace. This is our home, and we are all appalled at you. Instead of providing an article that reports the facts of a crime, you have chosen to dehumanize the sanctity of life entirely.

The story was also reported in a way that implicated a drug-related fight.

It was not. This is a far different story of a man who had a giant heart. I wish I could tell you exactly what he was about, but I doubt you would understand. All you seem to be concerned about is putting tasteless photographs and brutal one liners on the front pages to support the classless act you call a newspaper. If that's what you're worried about, please take note that most of your customers can read. A newspaper is not a comic strip or TV show, and it is hardly necessary to print a photograph of that nature in an effort to sell papers. At the very least, I beg you to print the facts and not embellish the truth in hopes of greater sales. Do not lie about something of which you know so very little about.

For anyone who does care and is interested in truth, here are the facts about my friend, John Baptie, and his death. The argument was not about drugs. A man had his life stolen from him at the hand of a coward, for the claim of $40. Do you know what that money was for? A baseball card. I saw it myself. The argument that cost John his life was over a Carl Yastrzemski baseball card that he had already bought. The price was set at $20. The exchange was made. Then the seller's decision changed. He wanted $60 for the card. So now my friend "owed" him $40 more. When he argued against paying it and turned to walk away is when he lost his life. There was no pipe. There were no other men. What I want to know is who gave him the right?

This story is about a man who overcame the impossible, found his way and changed his life. He was a man who had always taken pride in his friends and family and was willing to stand up to protect each and every one of us. At the young age of 24, John was just beginning his new life with his fiancée. Last week, he was robbed of that life, and those of us who loved him lost our dear friend. I do not now, nor may I ever, understand why this happened. But what is most important is to remember John for the man he was, not how the editors of the Rutland Herald so tastelessly depicted him to be.

I love you John, and I will see you again one day.


South Burlington

Copyright, 2007, Rutland Herald
Record Number: 711100305


'Bout Time Bernie!

Call your Senator and let him know that you don't want your food and milk coming from Asian Rice Paddie Goats.

Bernie and Pat bring the cows to Capitol Hill.


Every Dog Has His Day

January 15, 1965: "Recovery"

September 15, 2007: FAT

May 5, 2008: CALLING IT OUT
Chappaquiddick Incident

August 26, 2009: RIP Kennedy Clan


Pho Dank (literally)

Someone once said that Pho Dang should be called Pho Dank. I could not have agreed more. This name now has a more literal meaning than ever: Vermont businessmen center of DEA inquiry

I realize that this information is tardy, but I figured someone might have missed it.

Tell them DEA agents that they should focus their "war on drugs" to something that is actually a drain on society. Boy could I go on forever about this....bunch of dumb fucks. It's good to know that they are targeting one of a small group of Vermont's only sustainable and profitable industries just because they can take money, houses, businesses, etc. The real drug problem peeps don't have those kinds of things.

Gotta love them smugglers!


I Have Matt Kelly's Sweat Rag and You Don't!

Just announced: Those Dirty Water Loving Celtic Punks are closing out their NA tour right here @ Higher Ground on 11/21. Welcome back friends. It seems as though it has been FOREVER.


Grand Central?

Nah. Just a little place in the Bronx where all the Pinstriped Aces go 7+ innings with ZERO earned runs vs. The Mighty Red Sox Bats.


Cheap Hookers, $1 drafts, and Bennys

Feeling a little like its 2004 again. Dollar drafts, black out Bernie, Jerzey transplants, posses, and college girls.



Someone Finally Pulled Their Head Out of Obama's Corn Fed Ass (Get it?)

Thank you for finally recognizing the ultimate demise of the farmer Mr. Vilsack. That thanks comes from many more voices than my own.

Help For Dairy Farms?


Chill out when you're in my hood

I have commented on this wavelength before but no one seemed to listen. In the past week I have had to lock up my brakes on a main road.....TWICE. First it was on Pine St.(don't ask why) two blocks from my place where a dude cut me off from a side street, and then stopped in the middle of the road. I ended up with my bumper two feet away from his face....literally. Why do people think it's gonna be all better if they just slam on the brakes and close their eyes. Come on man, get the fuck outta my hood. Then it was St. Paul St. where the dude looked me in the eye, hesitated, looked at me again and THEN decided that it was time to cut me off. Did I mention both were white plates? Keep in mind these streets don't have stop signs and are designed to MOVE traffic. My advice to you pal, "You are one lucky fucking dude. Say a prayer tonight and thank God that I wasn't in my truck. You would have died."

The real reason for this post: There is a speed data station on the main road leading into my hood. If you missed it, its called HOME Ave. The speed limit is 30MPH. Keep it at 25 and you will keep me happy too. If I have 5-0's chillin on my ave cause you can't keep it in your pants I am gonna be one very UNhappy dude. I ain't pretty when I'm pissed. So please take heed- Keep your white plates on the DL and chill out when you're in my hood. I don't like NY'ers speedin around like a-holes, and I sure as hell don't like the NH folk actin like they have yet to leave their state. God forbid you disguise your Bay-State-ness under a green plate and try to act the part. You have to pay attention while you drive to act the part doood. So chill out, get yourself a fugghin Sammy, park your car and ENJOY SUMMERTIME.


Still Keeping It Real

Hey Donald - "Ya gotta bullet in ya head"

Did you read this: http://socialdistortions.blogspot.com/2008/05/judge-jury-and-executioner-too.html

Rutland, Vermont - June 19, 2009

A man on death row for kidnapping and killing a Rutland woman has lost a second appeal.

Last year, a three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the death sentence of 29-year-old Donald Fell. His lawyers asked for a broader review. On Wednesday, a nine-judge panel upheld the first panel's ruling. The decision leaves the U.S. Supreme Court as Fell's only option to appeal his sentence.

Fell was convicted in 2005 for kidnapping and killing 53-year-old Terry King of North Clarendon. He's the first person sentenced to death in Vermont in over 50 years.



Mom's Birthday is Today and YOU Forgot!

So Big Momma Earth's B-Day is today. Whether you remembered or not, be sure to tell her that she is wicked fuckin awesome before she turns the lights out tonight.

Turn off your Plasma, throw a CF bulb in the porch light, take a ride on your bicycle by kick ass Lake Champlain, stare up at the stars and mesmerize yourself, burn one down(she didn't grow that shit just to look at), and think about how awesome she really is.

Take heedance though, if she dies, we all die; if we die, she lives. She's got it pretty much figured out. So if you wanna keep hangin out here on supa fly planet Earth then do something so she can hear you. And do it loud.

Peace out fellow earthlings....I'm gonna pedal my wheels by some H2O!


Groundbreaking Policy

This is a quote from CNN.com:

"Obama foreclosure fix is open for business
The Obama administration today released details of $75 billion home loan modification and refinancing programs. Borrowers can start contacting loan servicers. The multipronged fix calls for companies to help struggling borrowers by modifying loans so monthly payments are no more than 31 percent of monthly gross income."

30% has always been the banks' golden rule. It has been proven by fundamental economics (dare we call them mathematics) for decades on top of decades. Predatory lending anyone? Some might say the borrowers should have been more aware/educated of what they were getting themselves into. What do I say? Get fucking real. Janitors, K-Mart clerks, and residential plumbers have been getting duped into $400,000 mortgages. They do not need to know better. That is what society is for, and society has failed them. The fucking United States of America's political elections are designed around the fact that we the people are in fact dumb, and need a higher intelligence to make our decisions for us. Guess what Martha Stewart? We do not like it when you cheat us. And that is why those of us who like to keep it real kick way up here in here in BTV far away from all you ruthless fucks.

Burn in hell Wall street. I know plenty of Mexicans that are far better thieves than you but daddy forgot to give them the tools to fleece an entire nation. Oh and by the way, stay the fuck away. Your hipster brethren have already stunk up my hood. I do not need your homeless broke used-to-be-mack-daddy stupid fucking ass trying to cop some of this golden ass shit. Ya hearme?


Daschle, Daschle, Daschle

A Democratic Social Agenda Wish list (aka. Stimulus Package- The Largest Spending Package ever in the history of the world):

$5.5 billion - Department of Commerce
$9.4 billion - EPA
$5 billion - Department of Labor
$1 billion - Census
$36 billion - Department of Agriculture
$21 billion - Department of Health and Human Services
And......at the sole discretion of the secretary of HHS(DDD)
Research $400 million
Environmental health $60 million
Injury prevention $50

FYI: 1 Trillion $1 bills would wrap around the world 39 times


My Beautiful Lady In Red...

...errr blue.

It is a big day for you today. Do you think that you are ready? Ready for some change?

I had a dream......last night. And the fireworks were sick. Give me some sweet ass fireworks today....that's all I want. Red, White and Blue!!


Eye Candy......errr Cameras

I am driving along last night, minding my own business when I see this gay ass car(SUV) driving past me. It is a NESN vehicle fucking plastered in NESN and Redsox logos flying be me on Eye-Atey-Nyne with an even gayer ass Mass plate on it. And I think to myself, "I would really love an eye-camera right now....you know, a camera that uses my eyes as a lens." Pretty reasonable I think. How many times have you seen some cool ass shit, or stupid fucking shit in this instance; and not had a camera, or had a slow ass (dare I say 35mm) camera, or a camera buried deep in your Jumpman shorts which you are wearing under your soggy snow pants, or a camera that has to "focus" and "compensate" for the low light conditions in your dorm room while your buddies are trying to capture that sweet ass rodeo ass in digital time and post it on the Internet for all eternity? [Did you catch all that?] I mean would you not rather have every angle of those precious 8 seconds from each of your buddies' perfect 20/20 lenses(eyes)? Fuck yes.

"Whatever you post to your "profile" on the Internet is there to stay. You can't take it down, you can't erase it, you can't try to explain it to your mom or boss." And that's exactly why rodeos were invented in the first place son. GTFM!

Fuck that shit. I want to say click and what I see is what I take. Literally. I don't want a picture of this stupid fucking car, but I sure as hell have some gay ass friends who appreciate it.

Here's to eye-cameras. Make that shit already little china-men!