Your girlfriend won't want you to read this

Sure you 'listen' to what she has to say....but do you really process any of it? Read up boys:


Faith High

It is that time of year again where little children are happy because they don't know any better. It troubles my mother when I tell her that I hate Christmas, but she understands why. I often ponder how I am going to pass this along to younger generations some day....

Separation of Church and State is all the rage these days right? I'm not passing judgement on that one but I do have years of one side instilled in my soul that I sometimes cannot seem to beat away. It is pretty clear that when a little structure (i.e. football and church) gets together, only good can come out of it. I sure as hell know that it kept me on the straight and narrow...and that straight and narrow is 500 miles wide. Thank God I was limited to only those 500 miles. If all you hustlers and bustlers thought a little more on this wavelength, then this time of year probably wouldn't suck so much - http://sports.espn.go.com/espnmag/story?section=magazine&id=3789373


Cow Tax?

"Farmers across the country may soon be getting a big tax bill.

The Environmental Protection Agency is considering a cow tax in an effort to combat methane emissions from cows. Under the proposal, a farmer would have to pay $175 per dairy cow and $87 per beef cow a year.

Many Congressmen on Capitol Hill are against the idea. They feel the cow tax will force many farmers out of business. " - WCAX-TV

Are you fucking kidding me? First they have the brilliant idea of using corn for ethanol fuel which requires more energy to be produced than it actually provides. Basically they are paying farmers to melt and remint coins. Farmers produce ethanol qrade corn because it is more lucrative thus driving up the cost of other vegetables because of low supply and high demand. Meat(cows) eat corn too so now meat is more expensive.....oh, and did I mention it made gas expensive too. And the best part? The only way to transport it is by DIESEL truck. That sure is environmentally friendly!

Now they want to tax farmers for each cow they own. Maybe they should just pick up all the farmers and put them in China to rake the rice paddies. Get real you idiots. Taxing cows will eliminate the feasibility of farming in America for real this time. And it's just plain stupid.


The Gang's All Here!

Green Beer. Celtic Punk. Girls with little clothing in cold ass weather. Guitarists hanging from steel rafters by their legs while rocking(yes, that is exactly what that picture is of). More girls, this time dancing on stage with even less clothing on. Southie Irish folk who love to say "Fuuuugh You!".....And did I mention green beer and kick ass rock.

That's right. It's getting to be that time of year again. Time to sign up for St. Paddy's Day 2008 with the Dropkick Murphy's in Boston. I've taken shots of Bush Mills at 10AM, spent time chatting with the Maxim Model/weekend bartender behind the bar(it's a shame her face was the same color as my hunting safety-wear), shared plenty of sweat in the Mosh pits with fellow friend and fan, and taken the local Boston bar tour with someone I had never met before. If WMD can do it, you can too!

You won't be disappointed. Let's make it a weekend. March 14th and 15th. If you are interested or would like to hear more from the horse's mouth, get at me: Stoyankovich@gmail.com DECEMBER 13th is the day the tickets are ordered. Don't be left out!!!


Attendance is for grade schoolers...

I will try and keep this short and sweet since so many ignorants out there have been wooed by the vaguest description ever of the simple word CHANGE. I have even found myself siding with Barack Obama on issues I actually differ in opinion on exactly 180 degrees. This dude has skills to make every walk of life believe he is the ONE for them! Impressive I must admit. He is one wicked smart fella. And I mean that.

Two points in an God honest attempt to change your ignorant minds:

1. Barack Obama votes 'present' more consistently than anyone in history. A vote of present is a vote of the opposition for all intents and purposes. Not to mention he is also the most liberal presidential candidate in over 100 years! More liberal than Teddy fuckin K! I did not think that was possible. Ted Kennedy gets away with murder so maybe Obama can too. If that is what you call independence and a plan for CHANGE you sure had me fooled. Change normally comes in the form of bucking the party line. The only thing he is bucking here is your intelligence. Get real. Attendance only counts in kindergarten.

2. Abortion. I am not touching this one. But he sure isn't afraid to. Run to Canada ladies. This dude is crazy. KEY WORDS: Voted AGAINST BANNING partial birth abortions. There are hospitals in Chicago that still to this day practice something that even I can not find a single drop of morality in. Premature babies, who have the complete potential to survive if placed in an incubator, are left to die in janitor's closets. I am pretty sure that is called murder. Not where Obama rules. It is called aborting a live fetus by neglect and it is legal! A breathing fetus disconnected from the mother's body is a person. God please don't try and tell me different.

I almost kept my mouth shut until some stupid ignorant fucking "brother" said to us today, "If Obama don't win, I'm gunna go buy a gun and start shootin white people.....not you, ur our beer guy." Fuck man. Are all of you that serious? Because guess what? I've got guns, and if dudes start rioting in my back yard I will use them. Call me "red" call me "simple", but I AM that serious.


East Coast Hustle

Set your alarm to wake you up 30 minutes earlier tomorrow morning. Eat a fucking breakfast this time. Plan on leaving for work 15 minutes earlier than you normally do. Start your car 10 minutes before you normally do. Scrape the ice off of your windows. Really, I'm not joking, scrape the ice off your windows so you don't hit me when I drive by you. And when you finally are still late for work.....CHILL THE FUCK OUT.

You don't have your snow tires on yet because you're too "busy" and other things take "priority". And your supa dupa hybrid pink escalade ain't gonna keep you on the road. It's 4 wheel GO, not STOP or TURN. It's doesn't work like that Bay State Bitches. Take it easy and take it slow. I'm sure your boss would rather have you there 15 minutes later rather than the alternatives. If for no other reason than the fear of my big ugly mug stepping out of my vehicle tomorrow morning to come over and beat your ass after you just hit me because it's "slippery", DRIVE (don't be a passenger in the driver's seat) a little slower and a little more cautiously tomorrow. And for the love of God, PUT YOUR FUCKING CELL PHONE DOWN YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER. Yep, that's exactly how I feel. And finally if you hit me with a plate that isn't green, 'xpect a "Yep, it does that here. It's called snow. Now see how your face feels buried in it."


Camo Cans!

WMD has finally met his match. Far across the country on the "left" coast the myth has been proven: Camo Cans exist! Camo Black Ice will fuck you up! At 10.5% alcohol by volume there's almost 5 beers in one can! This shit doesn't even taste like beer. It's barley wine in a 24oz aluminum can with Quint-X's across the label(took me awhile to figure out how to say 5X eloquently). Save this one for the end of the night, for if you don't you'll likely end up flat on your face before the sun goes down. Bums across America are getting loaded for only $1.29/can. And it is simply fucking disgusting. Chew on some candy corn(after you dig it our from under your couch) and swallow some mouth wash. Cheers America!


Double Dribble

Portland Oregon is home to the most strip clubs per capita period. I'm not joking when I say you might pass 2 per block. 60% of them are painted purple. If you're stumbling around late at night looking for some cans....seek purple shelter and you're sure to be satisfied. They have everything from topless sports bars with all-you-can eat $2 tacos to full on nudies.

My personal favorite: Double Dribble. A Down and dirty sports bar with, wait for it, topless bartenders, $1.50 pints, and kegs to go! Hell yes; America! The real estate around this place is steaming hot!

East Coast prude(conservative) liberals take note, the West Coast libs know how to have fun and not be a frigid bitch! "A round of pints for everyone!"


Months ago I said oil prices would go down and no one believed me....


...and now prices are down from $150/barrel to $90/barrel and still falling. Speculators have been jumping ship partly due to the big boys'(college educated 'professional' adults destroying Bear Stearns, AIG, Fanny and Freddie and AMERICA) highly diversified piles of shit(securities?) completely falling apart and going under....and partly due to falling demand. Most people won't burn gas that costs $4+.

[That's a whole other story not even worth complaining about. Just take note that the people who have vowed to create a better economy and a better place to live have put America on fire sale. There has been a giant RENT TO OWN sign on the Whitehouse lawn for some time now and now it's simply FOR SALE. Did you know that Arabs from Dubai own the Chrysler Building?]

My real point is this: Tomorrow, the House of Representatives will vote on H.R. 6604 "The Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act," legislation that will close some of the loopholes speculators have relied upon and bring a measure of transparency to commodities trading. In July a majority of the Members of the House of Representatives voted for this bill, but due to a procedural quirk, it did not pass. The House of Representatives will now consider the bill under a procedure that requires a simple majority. Tell your Congressmen exactly how you feel.


The Least Qualified Candidate in 100 Years

We now have two choices for a leader of our nation and it's looking like another 50/50. I am not suggesting that one is better than the other, I am suggesting that one is completely unqualified.

John McCain has changed his mind 50 times during this election race and so has Barack Obama. Campaigning, as a general rule, is a flat out joke. Candidates change their mind and what they have to say every time public opinion demands in order to stay on top. This is nothing new. They give speeches comprised of nothing ever heard before and little girls all over the nation cry because of how "touching" it was.

The difference between these two candidates is black and white, as ironic as that may be. Barack Obama has absolutely no record to speak of what-so-ever....good or bad. No matter how many times John McCain has changed his mind this campaign "season"(quoted from Barack Obama), he clearly has a long and clear bipartisan record. He, as far as I can see, is the definition of a public servant. He works for his nation and it's people always come first.

I strongly suggest that you read this book: "The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media". If you don't want to go to the library or the bookstore I will let you borrow it myself. This book takes a completely different approach than the general slander that is running rampant. It does not focus hyperbolic web ads, alleged race cards, or viral smears. Instead it blasts Obama for failing to take on the Chicago machine, for listening to "radical advisers" rather than his voters, and for backing "doctrinaire liberal" causes from teachers unions to abortion rights.

Below is a fantastic prelude/summary of what the author has to say from the point of view of a Cuban defector: "After reading the book I realized it is the kind of writing that people either ferociously agree with its message or hate the author for undermining someone whose qualifications make him worthy of being elected president of the most powerful nation on Earth. I am not going to agree with either side. All I wish to express as a former Cuban exile, is that Barack Obama and Fidel Castro share many personality traits, ie: Both were abandoned by their fathers at an early age. Both are charming, eloquent lawyers that say exactly what people want to hear at the right time and place. One never led the nation to suspect he was a communist at heart, the other doesn't mention the word socialism when in reality this is exactly what his agenda stands for. Neither Obama nor Fidel ever held a real job either in government or in private enterprise for they think of themselves as demigods unworthy of soiling their hands when their destiny is much larger than their own realities. Both were virtually unknown until they began to use the word "change" as their main political motto. Both have egos as tall as the twin towers, yet they manage to present themselves humbly, one in soiled military fatigues and the other sweating and with an undone tie. Both have the unique ability to distort truth and lies as if they were the same. Both have the ability to hypnotize the ignorant and fool the wishful thinker and to divide a nation in classes, (divide and you shall win) In Fidel's case he divided the rich against the poor, the illiterate against the educated and the black against the white. In Obama's case even if by omission, he's de-facto dividing the races already. Another resemblance between Obama and Fidel and one that shall never be forgotten is that the American media supported the "Twentieth Century Latin American Liberator" (Time Magazine) with the same degree of irresponsibility devoted to Barack Obama today. And lastly I'll use the words of Jorge Santayana to finish my case in point: "Those who can't remember the past are condemned to repeat it." And in the words of Sir Winston Churchill: "The inherent vice of Capitalism is the unequal distribution of blessings, the inherent vice of Socialism is the equal distribution of misery. GOD SAVE AMERICA! Signed: Andrew J. Rodriguez, Author of "Adios, Havana," a memoir."


There's always time for the good things....

As a general rule, applause is not accepted here. Today is the exception. I have a few items I'd like to share that bear a glimmer of hope:

1. The Supreme Court gave it's opinion on the Second Amendment for the first time ever last week. And guess what? The Second Amendment is an inherent INDIVIDUAL right not to be infringed! That's right hippies- Quit your 'yappin already.

2. Las Vegas Nevada is the home to the world's largest strip club. The Sapphire is a 71,000 square foot gentleman's club with VIP SKYBOXES, 3 separate lounges, and in addition to skinny strippers.....VOLUPTUOUS ONES TOO!!!

3. The Big Red Machine finally got something done. And no, I don't mean the 'Duty. I mean the club on Capitol Hill. Oil prices are subject to supply and demand, but they are also subject to speculators who have lost control. Congress' research shows that gas prices are inflated by 30-50% above margin. What are they going to do about it? They are putting a growth ceiling on speculation making it unattractive to invest in. What happens then? Prices plummet. How much? Who knows? 20%, 30%, 50%. Wait and see folks. It only gets better from here. Not to mention it is now attractive to harvest the giant Canadian Shield's Tar sands. (Remember what I said months ago? Oil prices are going to go down.....give it time.) Now's the time.

4. Americans need a reason to do anything. We're lazy by nature.

Then- The levels of lead in our atmosphere were astronomically high in the 70s due to "leaded gasoline". We realized this was unacceptable. We made "unleaded gasoline", stopped dumping lead waste, removed lead from sport fishing and shooting, and now the levels of lead are lower than they have ever been since records began.

Now- Gas prices are ridiculous. Pollution is worse. The public transportation lines across America are at full capacity. Everyone is carpooling. More people are walking or biking. Scooters run rampant across city streets. Demand is falling for oil. And prices are too.


Time Flies

It has been a month since my last post. In that time I have been to Lansing, Michigan where automobile factories are being leveled one after another leaving thousands of Michiganders unemployed and scrap piles as high as a city skyline. I have been to Hartford, Connecticut where they are closing Home Depot stores a year after they were built...and they are refusing to lend a hand to a dying man in the street after a hit and run. Now there is a 400,000 square foot structure with a 3,000,000 square foot parking lot where forest used to be...and a society that has lost its most basic human responsibility because all that is left is its most basic human instinct - survival. There are babies having babies on the city streets. I have been to Las Vegas, Nevada where home prices have dropped 28.6% since last year!!! I have been to Saranac Lake, New York where everyone is convincing themselves that all is fine. And before that I have been to Alaska, where everyone knows it's not fine.

My point is this: We're about to lose this beautiful place we call America if all of us don't start to make some different choices. No more muscle cars, no more American beer, no more backwoods serenity, no more American Dreams. You may say I'm turning left. I'd rather say I'm heading forward and I urge you all to follow instead of veering left or right. The longer we are selfish, the more we complain, and longer we wait for or Obama or Capitol Hill inevitably diminishes the time until America goes on fire sale.

I've got a few suggestions for you here and I'd love to hear yours' back:

Robert Kennedy Jr. talks with CEO O'Reilly of Chevron:

Green Motor Oil from Connecticut. That's right, it's made from beef fat...and it don't smoke so now your S-Dimer just classed up (Ragged Chevy S-10 for those of you who couldn't translate):

"If every household in America changed one incandescent bulb to a compact fluorescent, it would be the same as taking 800,000 cars off of American roads."

At first I said you have got to be kidding me. And then I said, who better to take on the world's largest problems than two of the richest men of the world. Maybe something as large as AIDS in Africa has met it's match. And maybe you think so too:


Am I going soft?

Pat Leahy gave his 2 cents to big oil this afternoon. Why do I care? Because they have taken capitalism too damn far. Oil is a commodity that is necessary to our existence whether you like it or not. Who's brilliant idea was to start trading oil on the stock market and to have "share owners" create its value and pricing. You have got to be kidding me. Profits are scorching hot....$35+ billion in the first quarter alone. That's profits, not revenue. 35 billion dollars could feed the fucking world.

Big Oil makes a school girl attempt at defending themselves and Grampa Leahy tells it like it is.


What Goes Around, Comes Around

Ted Kennedy has a Brain Tumor. Whooptey fuckin doo. Does anyone recall that he essentially murdered a girl back in 1969? Look it up - Chappaquiddick incident. He drove his car into a pond. He was drunk. There was blood on her skirt. He left the scene only to let her die. He didn't tell anyone about it until a day later. A judge ruled foul play. The prosecutor chose not to charge him. And then he ran for the presidency. Are you kidding me? Massachusetts let this fucker get away with murder. How many Irish murderer's will Massachusetts look the other way for?

The Kennedy family has gone through so much tragedy. What the fuck do they expect? They are Roman Catholic Irish Renegades. Hey John Kerry, hey Barack Obama, hey all you fuckers in a Cape Cod Classic Blue Blazer- Let the man die for what he has done and keep your bogus sentiments in the closet.

This is really good stuff...especially if you have nothing to do at work today: http://www.ytedk.com/


Judge, Jury, and Executioner too

Brian Rooney. Does that name ring a bell? It should. He stands trial this week for the murder of Michelle Gardner-Quinn almost two years ago; the most publicised murder in Vermont's history. Why was it the most publicised? Because she was a student at UVM. UVM is the only thing in Vermont that someone from outside of Vermont would recognize and be able to relate to besides the state itself. What makes her more special than the old man who was bludgeoned to death in the little town of Benson three years ago, the grandmother who was kidnapped and then savagely murdered 8 years ago in Rutland for no good reason, or the kid who had his life taken for the sum of $40 merely months ago. My point? Big names sell, and the media is a whore. What the fuck is the difference between some 21 year old UVM student and someone's 51 year old grandmother? There isn't one and I don't care to hear your empty sympathy and compassion.

He wants a new lawyer. He wants to represent himself. He wants the dismissal of statements he made admitting his guilt and sorrow. Now this fucker gets to stand a "fair" trial in Rutland Vermont, 65 miles away from the crime. Sounds real fair to me. I've got an idea Vermont. Stop being such a fucking hippy and reinstate the death penalty. What's fair is fair kids. An eye for an eye. Stand in someone else's shoes other than your cute little flats for a minute and I can't see how you wouldn't agree. If you're willing to take someone's life you should be man enough to give your own up as an even trade. If not, you're simply a coward. There seems to be a lot of pussy fucking cowards going around killing people these days. I've got an even better idea. Since the law of the land is taking its sweet ass time with "due process" and the right to a fair and speedy trial, cut to the chase and put a bullet in his head. This bullshit has got to stop.



Fat America

This one's quick. I hate really fat people. If you have a nice American beer gut....all the power to ya. If you've got a little extra cushion for the pushin'....who cares. If you're a fat fucking slob who has to buy a first class airfare ticket because you can't fit in a regular seat, get a fucking life. Stop eating 17 times a day, flipping 700 channels, and scratching your rolls. Go for a walk and don't stop at Micky D's. You make my food more expensive by creating scarcity. And that pisses me off because I have to watch your fat ass eat it all the time. You stink, you smell, I have no compassion for you whatsoever.


Words cannot describe the way I feel right now

I'd like to tell you how I feel right now, but I simply cannot find words that will equate.

You're a small town guy with good moral values. You don't talk you just play hard. And you play wherever they need you in order for your team to win. The respected names in football are praising you as a man outside of football, and everyone knows your name. You're one of the better pro linebackers of all time. You've become the role model of millions of youngsters and we are proud of you being one of the few pro athletes worthy of that moniker. You're hooking up with the trash of celeb town. You have an illegitimate child with a well known celeb stalker. Your blue and orange #54 is on more fans' backs than any jersey in history. Your lacking personality is still on too many commercials and is making too much money. Your desire and passion for the game has dwindled. And now you want more? You turn your back on your family - the people who made you who you are. No one makes themselves Mr. Urlacher. No one. It makes me very sad to say it, but you're probably better off elsewhere. I speak for myself and I'm pretty sure I speak for Chicago fans as a whole when I say, "You don't belong here anymore."

-A loyal fan destroyed



Utah? No, Utica.

This blog does not allow posts that aren't complaining in nature. In lieu of that I will recap my day yesterday only because I get to bitch about a few things.

Beerfuelsamerica.com(the psuedoname for my employer) decided to sent me to one of New York's finest towns. Utica. You ask what there is to do in Utica? I have no idea. But any town that has a lack of interesting/fun things to do requires that much more beer be distributed.

My day starts off at BTV with a rental car. After hearing/seeing all the planes(I don't fly American) I really wished I was hopping on one of those instead of my brand new Malibu. By the way, every time they update a car model it seems to get smaller. Does it look like I'm getting any smaller? Likely not!

Fast forward to Vergennes and I'm looking at a small bit of road construction in my lane. There's a postal vehicle(we don't have delegated trucks in rural VT, only personal owned postal vehicles) in my lane as well so I stop behind it in order to let the single lane of oncoming traffic pass. The last car is on the yellow line. Now it's over the yellow line. Every foot closer to me is another foot over the yellow line. It's a white plate which believe it or not I didn't have time to identify because I actually thought SHE was going to hit me. My best guess has three options but none of them answer the real question as to why the fuck SHE is in my lane. Massachusetts, Quebec, or California? She manages to pass by without hitting me although I do not know how. Our mirrors must have touched. The flagger motions me to advance, but as soon as she goes by me I look in my rear view mirror only to see HER in my lane DRIVING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. I stop and watch until she dips down the hill leaving me guessing as to what happens next. Holy shit! Is SHE from Britain? Australia? WTF! Head on collision anyone?

Ready for another good one. I roll up over a hill a little while later only to see two Mourning Doves in the road. No time to stop, no room to swerve. Smack, plunk, feathers flying everywhere. This can't be a good sign. Mourning Doves? Are you serious?

Now I'm on New York State Thruway #90. This road is patrolled by cruisers, jacked up SUVs, Corvette's, helicopters, and small planes. Small planes? You have to be joking. Every time I have driven on this road I've driven 80 all the way to Buffalo without a hitch. This time I decide to step it up a notch because I'm late. 90, 100, 100, 115...the engine won't shut off. Too bad the same can't be said for Wild Man's new GMC. That little bitch shuts off at 95. So I slow down to 90, see a cop in the distance and hit the brakes to mimic my 75 MPH right lane cruiser. His red lights are on before I even get by him. Fuck, that's gonna be 2 NY state tickets in 2 weeks. He pulls me over and tells me I was going 87 and it was a little too fast. He comes back literally 2 minutes later with a ticket for me. No questions, just a simple transaction. Business in business in New York.

This brings us to my final destination at a distributor in Utica. I need wireless and I need it now. I get a connection but it won't get me outside. This place has a half-way-decent T1 but they are too dumb/afraid to let outsiders use it. They bought a Time Warner cable connection and a Linksys router. It won't work. I'm pissed. We finally get it to work. Now I need a projector/big screen. I can connect and it sees my signal but will not display anything. We get Mr. IT on the phone and he has no answers. Ha. I guess it's 15 Type A salesman staring at my 15" laptop screen. This ought to be good. And yes, there's the usual fucknut who looks the same, talks the same, and has the same shitty jokes that make you talk really loud in order to attempt to belittle him enough to shut him up. There isn't a distributor without one.

The day is done and it is still light out. This hasn't happened in a long time. I go across the street from my Hampton Inn to a place called Delmonico's Steak House. I go in uneasy for some reason. I don't like the initial appeal. All changes quickly though. Every chick working there is wearing a black mini skirt...and I mean mini! And no, they aren't your usual Utica chicks. This, in all honesty, is the best looking group of girls I have yet to see in my travels across the country. Brunettes dominate only to my appeal. Utica is good for something after all. They have Sam Adams on tap and big mugs too. I order T-Loin medallions on Alfredo. This is good stuff. The Celts are done and so am I so I head across the street to the Hess station. Yuengling six packs for 5.99 and Joker 1 1/2's to boot. Life is good when you don't have to go through the security puffers at the airport. I like my 2008 Malibu after all.


Deeeeelayyyyyyyed Reaction.

Big Bearded Bernanke spills the obvious. Recession. Read my lips: R-E-C-E-S-S-I-O-N.

What did he fail to address? The broader implications regarding his Bear Stearns bailout, the administration's recent proposal to further regulate the financial sector, and the consumer mortgage CRISIS. Yes, that's right. It's just the beginning of foreclosures and bankruptcy.

Here's what one of his biggest supporters, Senator Charles Schumer, had to say, "What is the justice of helping Bear Stearns and not millions of homeowners?" Schumer said. "A single homeowner going under does not pose systemic risk, but millions of homeowners going under do."



More $, More Bullshit.

The market has been calmed by the media and the fed to a point where it is stable for the short term. The dollar is still worthless, inflation continues, and new homes are purchased every day...that's a gamble my dumb ass wouldn't even take. Detroit's sales slumped double digits for the first quarter and so did Toyota's, but H2's keep poppin up at the Jones'. And consumer spending is constantly on the downturn none-the-less. Nothing's good, but nothing's all that bad either....at least to the average reality TV junkie. Stay inside, close the curtains, and eat your damn popcorn. Nothing's actually happening outside. It's all just a bad trip.

You ask yourself, "Where's this article going? What's his point?" And I answer, "Absolutely nowhere." I just wanted to point out how dumb we actually all are.

The other reason, and main reason that I wrote this article is to bitch about all the rich fuckers in this country. Did you know that A-Rod is making $28M this year? Did you also know that the entire Marlins' starting roster is making $21.8M combined? Did you know that Bill Gates donates all his profits now because he can't find anything useful to do with them. He's plowed enough back into the Giant that it's completely self sufficient and his prostitutes are all prepaid through 2080. Warren Buffet donated 85% of his net worth(Thirty seven billion fucking dollars) to charity. He gave his kids nothing. They didn't earn it, and they don't need it! What are all the other mega rich celebs doing with their dough? Paying child support that exceeds $250,000 a year? More than likely. How bout T.O.? And how 'bout Britney. I heard she makes $650,000 a week. And now she runs around like a lunatic and makes even more money. Too bad if I were to run around like a crazy person they would jail me and take all my money

If all the rich fuckers in this world donated 10% of their wealth each year, we wouldn't have white trash. We wouldn't have the ghetto. And we sure as hell wouldn't have a shitty dollar. And don't get me wrong. As soon as I get rich, I'll buy every million dollar toy I can get my hands on and lay down every bet I think I have a 5% chance of winning. But after the garage is full, every coast has my address on it somewhere, the kids are set to be trust fund punks, and I've finally settled down with my last hooker you can bet my money's going out the door to better places.

To all the reality TV celebs who went out in the 80's but are back again, the T.O.'s, the Kobe's, the Prince Nair's of Abu Dabi; and most importantly the big men of Detroit, of Wall Street, and of Silicon Valley - Here's a big fuck you.


Puerco has claimed 16 lives in the Northeast. Will you be next?

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April 4th - 9PM

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BS- Also Synonymous for Boycotts and Strikes

[Professional], and I use the word cautiously, athletes strike again. Yesterday afternoon, the Boston Red Sox decided it would be an appropriate team decision to boycott their pre-season game being hosted by the Blue Jays. Way to start things off classy. Why? They had apparently found out at that moment, while on the field during warm ups, that the coaching staff was not going to get the same amount of compensation for their opener in Japan. How conveniently timed was that? According to Mike Lowell it seemed all too staged, "We felt we had to make a stand, and being on ESPN didn't hurt." Terry Francona, had this to offer, "It wasn't about players being greedy, it was about standing up for someone." What kind of coach offers support in such a situation? One who is also greedy. Each Boston Red Sock will receive $40,000 to make the trip to Japan. I make that much in a year, and they'll be receiving that to GO TO JAPAN AND [PLAY] BASEBALL. The unfortunate fact that these players are the role models of American youth makes it that much worse, but I didn't have to tell you that. That fact is a very sad idea in itself, but we'll leave that for another day. 3 hours later after quite a fucking stunt, they decided they would play the game. Sometimes I wish the days of owner dictators were still around.

Get this. Across the country in Phoenix, Oakland Athletics players were watching the Boston game(I'm pretty sure it was warm ups so I don't know why the hell they'd be watching it) and saw what happened. They didn't take batting practice and held five team meetings before FOLLOWING Boston's LEAD and deciding to play. How gracious of them!

The average person would assume that after having a preseason that was overshadowed by Steroids(let's stop using the PC word 'performance enhancing drugs') the players might be interested in changing the focus of things. Apparently not. Thank you Roger Clemens, thank you Barry Bonds, and thank you Boston and Oakland for diluting America's pass time once again, and making it a fucking joke.

"We're so united. And I don't mean just the players," Francona said in a dugout interview with ESPN during Wednesday's game. "I mean the staff, the trainers and our players showed that and that's what this was about. It wasn't about being greedy. It was about trying to be unified." What he failed to mention was that he had 'Dice-K', who was scheduled to make that start, leave the stadium to pitch in a game against Minnesota's Triple-A affiliate while David Aardsma started in his place.

End Result: Both teams have coaches that are $40,000 richer and another preseason loss.


The Dow Skyrockets! Who Cares!

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index rose 420 points yesterday, the most in 5 years! The Fed's interest rate cut helped calm investors and secure market stability once again! Thank God! It rose 416 points last Tuesday as well. Did the derelict media tell you that? No, they assumed you were too dumb to actually recall last week. Did I mention the DJIA doesn't track the market at all. It tracks the top 30 American behemoths. Does that sound like an accurate market index to you?

Someone had to take advantage of the situation right? Why not? Try Visa. They completed the largest IPO in American history yesterday by raising $17.9 billion. Why did this happen? Because Master Card stock has been killing it; up over 350% since their very own IPO in 2006. And why wouldn't it be? Plastic is a man's best friend, a or lady's for that matter. The same people who screw you on interest rates, fees, and credit limits every day proved how powerful they actually are. You just got screwed again. And you liked it. You purchased your very own debt, and quite possibly the debt of your fellow consumers. Watch it bomb ladies and gents. Today is going to be another volatile day in the market. Too bad Wall Street doesn't open until 9:30. Lazy bastards. Oh I forgot, their communter train(or more than likely personal M class) takes 2 hours to come in from Long Island, or Jersey City for that matter.

16:00- BOOM: Day Closes with DJIA losing 293 points.


What You're Not Told About The Financial Crisis

This guy, Perry Willis does what I think is a nice explanation of what is really happening. Now I could also go into detail as to why it is happening like this, but that might be for a conspiracy article. I urge all to read this, understand it, and watch the USA get screwed anally. The Federal Reserve though in a sense, is buying up our land... Ignorance may be bliss, but it certainly fucks you over in the end.


Attention Steel Owners: The 2nd Ammendment is under Supreme Court interpretation for the first time in nearly 70 years!

Keeping on the topic of scary. This one is up there. Today the Supreme Court began hearings regarding the recent ruling of a Federal Court to overturn the total ban on handguns in Washington D.C. that has been in effect for 31 years.

The 2nd Ammendment reads as follows:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

Our forefathers really left us with a good one here ladies. Let the games begin...
Two options:
#1- Every man, woman, and child has a right to bear arms for their own personal protection.
#2- The right to bear arms is strictly reserved for a militia in times of crisis.

My take on this issue should be more than obvious. I fully support an individual's right to bear arms utterly and completely. I do believe that background checks should be done for all firearm purchases, and that concealed handgun permits should have an entirely separate process. I believe that the average individual who is clinically sane and has not commited relevant crimes(shoplifting in highschool doesn't count) should be able to carry protection with them in all appropriate places. I support the fact that there are places that are not appropriate for gun use, but that does not includes a person's most common places of occupation. I do not support the free distribution of guns.

America has a history of guns. And that history has been passed down for generations apon generations. Fathers take their sons hunting. Grandfathers take their grandsons Trap Shooting. A child's, more specifically a male's developmental process is tightly linked to some of life's major lessons learned at a young age. These lessons and more can be aquired by spending a weekend in the woods, learning the sanctity of life, the means that are necessary to provide human sustenance, spending a unique time with a role model, and much much more. Simply firing a gun is an experience that you will not understand and appreciate until having done so. Taking an animal's life for a purpose lets a youngster feel how important life actually is. If this youngster never spends another day in the woods, and ends up in an unfortunate situation as an adult, they will have the value of life deeply instilled in them before they are ever tempted to use a gun in a destructive manner. Some may argue that our most relevant history regarding guns is the tragedies that they have caused. I will offer this: It is not the guns that have caused these tragedies, but the people who distribute them illegally and the people who use the ill-intentioned. Again, I support full regulation of gun distribution.

Guns can also help prevent many of the tragedies that they cause. There is a multitude research and evidence that supports the fact that if more people were allowed to protect themselves and others with handguns, that many of the tragedies we have recently seen could have been quickly and easily prevented. Some of you may argue that the right to carry a concealed handgun in a responsible manner is still uncessary and that I should provide you the evidence. I urge you to research on your own, and you will find proof. Some of you will undoubtedly offer complete resistance and I offer absolutely no condolences. It has become disturbingly obvious that we as humans really have no idea what that person next to each of us every day is actually thinking/capable of doing. And mind you, if there was a total ban on guns, that crazy fuck sitting across from you is sure as hell not going to walk in to the local police station and turn in his 'hot piece', nor is his distributor. You're the one who is screwed in the end, and I am not willing to take that risk. If you so much as suggest that I might have slightly mis-stepped, I assure you, and offer you a decent amount of my time that will be guaranteed to leave you with no other opinion.


The Dreaded Fed

Emotion. Fears. Confusion. Unknown. The professional investors of America have recently proved that our economy is not unsusceptable to real disruption by undermining the basic principles of investing. The people who are supposed to keep the markets stable by investing for the long term and staying calm when novice investors' emotions cause fluctuations in markets, have failed miserably. Or have they? Even they can not accurately predict what will actually happen. No one can, and they admit to it. They admittedly contradict themselves. The monster is unleashed, and 'The Man' is forcing everyone, including professionals, to cut their losses and call it a day....even if it means utter destruction. This is scary stuff, really scary. W's head is so deep in the sand he can't even hear our calls' for help. And the Fed, the beast who was created to keep the markets stable and to prevent large recessions, is seeming increasingly politically pressured to save the short term and is unable to do what is right...Its job.


I hate your t!tty bar...

When I go to a strip joint, I don't want to be hassled every two seconds by some whore who is trying pay off her pimp and feed her two year old child's crack addiction. I go for a f*cking show and beer. I want to see some damn pole tricks. " Booby Night" was invented to be entertaining and not to be a pain in the ass telling all these dumb broads that you are broke and you can't afford to have them sit on your lap and tempt your drunk ass to go in the back room so you might have a chance to touch their bad boob job for $50 bucks. F YOU.

Let's face it, unless you are going to canada or the rocket in barre, where else can you be obscene and make these chicks rub cheap ass lotion on each other for $2. Maxi Mounds does it right. She should run lessons at all of those "High Class" joints in Vegas and NYC. They could take a lesson. If there isn't a pole, don't show.

I want Nasty Chicks, Big Tits, and Cheap Tricks. Thank you Montreal/Barre/any other scummy strip joint that you can always have a good time and a good laugh at.